sad heavy woman looking at her reflection in the mirror -thinks she needs to lose weight due to poor body image

Can't Accept My Body the Way it is

Do you feel like you must diet because you can't stand your body? Did you know that this negative mindset can actually contribute to your weight issues? 

Why Do We Hate and Fear Being Fat?

We have been brainwashed to believe that only thin bodies are attractive. It hasn't always been like that, and in some cultures (mostly in Africa) heavier women are prized as being the most attractive!

It may be partly a biological response that is built in that makes us want to be part of a “tribe”. When we lived in caves, our very survival depended upon being accepted as part of a group. It’s probably true that “No man or woman was an island” back then. When someone points out some way that you don’t conform to their “norm”, that can make you feel ashamed and you fear you will be rejected by the tribe. But you will probably only feel that way if you are already insecure about yourself.

Before and After Photos Brainwashing

Perhaps that’s the reason that advertisement works so effectively. You see that others are wearing, eating, driving or doing an activity, and, in your subconscious mind, you feel that you too, must do the same. We have even developed a Fat Phobia- and taught it to our children! So many young are in fear of getting fat that even little girls in kindergarten are dieting! And children who are heavier are those who are constantly being bullied! This has to stop! 

Those "before and after" photos convince you that you can do this too. But those photos are only an example of a short response to dieting. 

Feeling Shame about Your Body

Brene Brown, Ph.D, writes about shame, and its effect. It’s not something that people want to discuss because it’s so hurtful and long lasting. In fact, many people try to ignore it. She estimated that 90 percent of the women she interviewed had body shame issues. Whether thin or overweight, too big, or too little, women had insecurities about their body.

plus size woman ashamed of her body

For many women, feeling shame about their body has led to the slippery slope of dieting. Years later, women report that they began dieting when they were already thin.

“You can never to too rich or too thin”

It sure didn’t work for Whitney Houston: rich and thin…  But, this was a popular saying that encouraged women to extreme diets and excessive exercise and even eating disorders!  It also began them on their journey to becoming overweight. Each time you diet, your metabolism slows down, and eventually leads to regaining the weight. After a number of times in this pattern, a yo-yo response is created. Lose weight, and then gain it back. It's known in medical terms as "weight cycling" and it's harmful for your body! Each time the weight is regained, additional weight comes along. It’s a kind of insurance policy that the body creates to prevent you from starving! It’s nature’s design to preserve life.

Obsession over Body Weight

So many women are on a diet because they are obsessed about their body weight and wanting to be thinner. This obsession with dieting is making millions of women miserable, and creates the very problem that you want to avoid! Gaining weight is the result of chronic dieting. When you deprive yourself, you are more likely to binge at some time when you are stressed out! 

The media likes to report that people are addicted to sugar and junk food. But in actuality, women are addicted to dieting!  Women fear fat or gaining weight so much that it's been found that they are willing to give up years of their lives just to lose five pounds! 

Women obsessively go from one diet plan to another. And what is the eventual result? WEIGHT GAIN, NOT sustained weight loss! 

Overcome Body Weight Obsession

But how do you break out of this pattern? It’s by accepting yourself right now. Don’t wait until you are thin. You must change your mindset which is creating a stressful physiological response in your body. Learn to be your own best friend, and best supporter.

woman who accept her plus size body

When you finally relax, and start nurturing yourself cortisol level drops, and you can begin on a path to happy weight. The bottom line is: You can starve yourself, berate and hate your body, and it will only add to your weight. Or you can nurture yourself, and accept yourself, and have a chance to be happy and healthy – and then, have the possibility of losing the weight – and KEEPING it off!

EFT Meridian Tapping Manages Stress

EFT Tapping is an amazing tool that helps release the negative emotions of shame. Researchers have shown how effective it is to lower cortisol (the stress hormone) after tapping!  You have to try it to see how effective it is to help you start accepting your body! So stop hating your body and causing yourself more stress! 


EFT:Emotional Freedom Technique

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