Dr. Oz the diet sham doctor lying about losing weight
Oprah lies

Dr. Oz and Oprah Lie

Dr. Oz and Oprah are making money telling you lies about losing weight. They both want you to buy their products, go on their diets and fail. That's because they make more money each time you go on another diet, regain the weight you lost and then blame yourself. They want you to hate your heavy body. Dr Oz wants you to fear getting sick from being a higher BMI (total lie) and go back to trying another one of his miracle diet pills again and again!

The crazy thing is, Oprah is so helpful with so many of her other ideas and you want to trust her. But she just hasn't figured out the way to be happy with herself, despite all her achievements in life. What a shame. And all of her money, personal trainers, personal chefs and the rest has not accomplished the one thing she wants more than anything else:  to losing weight- and maintain weight loss. Meanwhile she is damaging her followers, and now younger people by buying into the Diet Industry Lies and buying into Weight Watchers. Shame on you, Oprah! 

medical gown that is one size fits all, but doesn't cover your all

Programmed to Fail

Unbiased RESEARCH will show you that 95 percent of ALL diets are doomed to failure. Your body's biology is putting the weight back on, to prevent you from starving. Dr. Oz should know better. Indeed he does.  He has even been called in front of Congress to testify about his miracle weight loss pills!

No One Size Fits All Solution

If you look around the world, people's bodies come in many different sizes. You don't see lots of very tall Asian people. Our genetics are what gives us our body shape, size and appearance. And unfortunately, it's people who are not tall and thin who want to change their body the most. Plastic surgery will just do some things- but it won't make you taller. And it won't even take off fat permanently! That's right- even liposuction fails! And don't get me started on stomach surgery which is very dangerous to your health, longevity and white pants. (anal leakage is a side effect).

People all over the world eat different types of diets: some based on carbs (Asians), some on Fats (Eskimos), some based on meats (South American Brazil & Argentinians). Some people in each area are thin, some are heavy; some healthy, others not healthy. Some skinny people eat lots of junk food, and some heavy people never touch it!  It's NOT about the type of food. There's something else going on that has never been identified!

Why Are You Heavy?

The fact is, there are reasons why you may be heavier than you want to be.  You probably blame yourself and think you ate too much (carbs, fats or sugar) and didn't exercise enough. I want you to learn why you should stop blaming yourself! You can take my quiz and get an idea what is causing your weight issue. 

It's not about what you are eating. It's about what you inherited. Just looks at Serena and Venus Williams!

ACE Study of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Then there's the almost unknown issue that was exposed by the ACE Study. If you were abused, humiliated or neglected from birth to age six you can expect that this will be affecting your weight and health in general. This is one of the largest long term studies that has been replicated many times. It shows that adverse childhood experiences contributes to weight gain in later life. And sexual abuse tops the list. 

With the "me too" movement women are telling their stories of sexual abuse they have suffered from near relatives, family friends, in school and at work. Many women unconsciously put on weight to make themselves less attractive to sexual advances. 

Impact of Media on Your Weight

Then there's the impact of seeing only skinny, young and beautiful people in the media. You want to fit in, you want to look like them. But we are unique and as much as you want to look like them, you can only copy so much: make-up, hair style, clothing.

And then there's Dr. Oz touting one miracle pill, supplement, powder after another. Here's a great expose done by John Oliver on Youtube exposing what a creep he is! 

fat-shaming thin woman making an ugly face

Beating yourself up because you can't look like them is only causing you stress. And listening to fat-shaming is one of the worst stressors we can experience.

fat shaming, blaming older woman pointing at her victim

STRESS and Your Weight

To add to situation, the stress you are experiencing from hating your body, starving yourself, and maybe over-exercising is actually sabotaging your weight! What you need is to break your addiction to dieting! You need to pay attention and trust YOUR experience with dieting and learn why there's no reason for self-blame!


I'm going to be totally honest with you. There is NO GUARANTEE that you will ever be able to maintain weight loss. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or totally ignorant of science. Look at "The Biggest Losers" who lost weight. They've all regained it! Look at poor Oprah who has struggled with her weight for years! She's on yet another diet - and I guarantee you that the weight will return within 2 years.

Rebounding after losing weight is a survival mechanism that Mother Nature has built in to keep you alive! So you should be thanking your body for keeping you alive instead of damning it for preventing you from starving yourself. 

Being Overweight Feels Like an Incurable Disease to Women

You undoubtably don't want to hear this. For some women, this is like hearing you have an incurable disease. In some cases women have said that they'd trade 5-10 years of life to lose weight. How sad is that??

You may leave this website because you're not reading what you want so desperately: that you can lose weight fast and be thin for the rest of your life. Even that "lifestyle change" that you read about is phony- because once a stressful event comes up it's almost impossible to maintain that "lifestyle change." People can be "good" for only so long.  Food becomes self-treatment! for stress relief! And the biggest stressor of all is hating your body.

Besides stress eating your body is programmed by nature to keep you at a weight set point. 95 percent of people who diet and HAVE will power still regain the weight. It's nature's way of preserving your life!

Keto Works Until It Doesn't

A few people I know are still stuck in the diet mentality believing that somehow they will fit into the 5% who don't regain the weight they struggle to lose and ADD additional weight. One of them is still going downwards and has lost 75 pounds. It's hard to watch and know what is going to happen. She's so happy and proud of herself now showing her before photos. She posts her progress on Instagram. 

That happened to another friend of mine. She scoffed when I told her the statistics. She's a scientist. She believed the crappy Diet Industry studies that tell about how to lose weight. But they don't tell you that you're going to gain it back. She DID lose quite a bit of weight. I'd estimate about 100 pounds. But then I saw her two years later after I had moved away from nearby her. She was back past where she started. I swear I didn't say, "I told you so". But I could see the embarrassment in her face. It was sad.

Another friend is now on KETO and doing the very extreme exercise program Cross Fit. She had tried for years to lose weight. She did lose it. She bought herself an entire new wardrobe of clothing, tight exercise clothes and dresses that WERE form fitting. I saw her writing on Facebook for "HELP!!"The weight is creeping back on her despite doing exercise marathons and sticking to the diet. 

In fact, overexercising can be more damaging on your metabolism and actually makes you hungrier as your body struggles to make you regain the weight you lose! But you will be stronger if you don't injure yourself from extreme exercise. And that can change the way your clothes fit and that may be enough to make you feel better about yourself. 

But you don't have to kill yourself with exercise to be fit!

New Years Resolution extreme exercise to lose weight
New Years Resolution extreme exercise to lose weight-1
New Years Resolution extreme exercise to lose weight-2
New Years Resolution extreme exercise to lose weight-4

Do You NEED to Lose Weight?

"I NEED to lose weight because I'm pre-diabetic" she wailed. Well, your body doesn't care why you need to lose weight. It's programmed to bring you back to your highest weight. Once the damage is done, the best you can do is relax, accept it's not your fault and work on being healthy by being fit as you can without making that another stressor! And make sure you stop hating yourself, because that stress just adds to your weight by causing a slowed metabolism.

Stop Stress Eating

When you still have that diet mentality- that "this year I'm going to be successful at losing weight" you will succumb to stress eating. You must purge your mindset and attitude. Stop judging yourself by a number on the scale. In fact, trash that scale! 

woman smashing her scale to stop dieting

This is subtle and the hardest thing to understand is: eating when you're not hungry is a SYMPTOM of stress- And it's impossible to stop a symptom because you haven't dealt with the CAUSE of the symptom: STRESS. You need to cure your addiction to dieting.

An Angry Doctor Responds to Dr. Oz

The one thing that Dr. Gaesser left out is this: WHY would a doctor tell people it's necessary to lose weight when it's next to impossible to maintain weight loss AND weight cycling (yo-yo dieting) is worse for your health?

Dr. Oz and Oprah have lied to the public. It's time to turn him off- and tell Oprah to start appreciating who she is and stop focusing on her body! 

If you can't love yourself unconditionally, GET A DOG. You will learn about love and total acceptance. It will lower your stress level, and let you know that you are loved for who you are. Anyone who doesn't accept you the way you are is NOT your friend. Be your own best friend and your dog's as well!

dog licking the face of an owner- unconditional love even if you are fat

Love yourself unconditionally- just like your dog loves you!


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