After decades of dieting, I finally learned the truth of why diets fail, people don’t fail! The Diet Industry, run by diet clinics, and overly thin women with their own eating disorders, are trying to make you feel like you a failure: lacking discipline, lazy and somehow psychologically flawed because THEIR diet doesn’t work for you. Well join the crowd of 95{5b8e831512cf0c284f7edae7fc403e9a09e5b1736c5b1d60e4451a29dc064ebe} of people who have gone on every diet plan and still gain the weight back. Stop hating yourself and blaming your body for being NORMAL!  Diets are the problem!

NO- It’s not eat less and exercise more that will get you to be thin. That’s not how your body works, and the Diet Industry sure doesn’t want you to figure that out! But this book will tell you the “skinny”. It will test the level of how the brainwashing has captured your mind, and challenge you to look at the world of dieting in a totally different way.

Once you learn the “ground zero” causation for weight gain, you will finally be able to start recovering from diet addiction, and eating for health. And no, this is NOT a diet plan, a new way to make you lose 40 pounds in a month. Because I won’t lie to you; and want to save you from the torture of deprivation and misery of chronic dieting.

Intentionally cutting your calories and exercising for hours is not the answer. When you learn the truth, you will stop falling for the misleading, and outright Diet Industry lies that keep you on a permanent diet, otherwise called a “lifestyle change”. You might as well lock yourself in prison and throw away the key if you are ready to stop eating the food you love, and constantly running on a treadmill like a trapped rat.

My Kindle book, now available on Amazon (free if you have Amazon Prime for a short time) will change your life. Just read it, and see!


Diet Industry lies

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